Freedom dreaming: Aligning passion, purpose, and impact in my work

Freedom dreaming: Aligning passion, purpose, and impact in my work

By Beronda L. Montgomery I have a vision for the work I can do, want to do, and believe the world needs me to do. I have actively crafted my “day job” into more and more of “the dream” every chance and opportunity that I get. I’ve even developed a way to measure the impact of my work, which I call my B-Index.  However, at the moment, this vision is not fully realized in my…

3 essential lessons ‘busy’ academics can learn from the Japanese tea ceremony

3 essential lessons ‘busy’ academics can learn from the Japanese tea ceremony

By Kimine Mayuzumi This piece was originally published on January 29, 2016 and updated on May 15, 2023. Ichigo ichie (一期一会 ), the Japanese proverb that translates to “one encounter at a (life) time” – is more than just a saying; it’s a philosophy that teaches us to cherish the uniqueness of each and every moment.  This principle is especially important in the context of Japanese tea ceremonies, where the procedure is rigid and complicated.…

How I diverted from my academic career path I once longed for

How I diverted from my academic career path I once longed for

By Kimine Mayuzumi The year 2015 marked a pivotal moment in my life. That is when I made the courageous decision to pursue my passion for blogging instead of following the traditional academic path.  I remember the anticipation and excitement I felt as I boarded a plane to attend a three-day blogging event in Washington D.C., where I would meet inspiring women of color who shared my dream. Just the other day, as I flipped…

How I came to embrace my Academic-Entrepreneur Self: A journey with 9 Stages

How I came to embrace my Academic-Entrepreneur Self: A journey with 9 Stages

By Jakki Williams What is the Academic-Entrepreneur Self?  The Academic-Entrepreneur Self is an aspirational term coined here to represent the part of me seeking harmony in integrating my academic background and entrepreneurial interest.  I see mySelf as a heroine on a path — advancing through stages considered a road of trials. I speak to this journey from a personal reflection on the complexities, obstacles, and victories in seeking to fully awaken and embrace my Academic-Entrepreneur…

What advice I would give to my past self struggling in life transitions

What advice I would give to my past self struggling in life transitions

By Kimine Mayuzumi Life transitions are inevitable in human life. They may include career shifts, relocation for work and/or living, major changes of physical/mental status, loss of income, and loss of a relationship or a family member.  Because of the pandemic and what it brought, it may be accurate to say that everyone experienced some level of transition recently. We were forced to adapt to the situation and learn a completely new way of living…